Letter from Alfred Deakin to John Kirwan. Letter of support to John Kirwan from Victorian federalist, and later Prime Minister of Australia, Alfred Deakin
Letter from the Premier of New South Wales, George Reid, to John Kirwan
Letter from the Premier of New South Wales, George Reid, to John Kirwan
Letter from Alfred Deakin to John Kirwan clearly indicates the pressure being brought to bear on Chamberlain to persuade Western Australia to federate
Letter from George Leake to John Kirwan two weeks before the referendum
Invitation to attend the celebrations surrounding the opening of the first Federal Parliament Invitation to the Reverend Charles Riley, Bishop of Perth, to attend the celebrations surrounding the opening of the first Federal Parliament
Invitation to witness the opening of Parliament
Electoral distribution in WA, 1900 Voting was limited to the white adult male population. Goldfields residents felt they were discriminated against because of the distribution. Battye Library
Eleven good reasons to join the Federation
Miners camps on the goldfields
First train entering Coolgardie
At Kalgoorlie Article describing the celebration of Commonwealth day in Kalgoorlie.
Western Australia and Federation - To the editor Letter to the editor regarding Federation
Joseph Chamberlain MP Joseph ('Joe') Chamberlain (1836-1914), Industrialist and politician; MP for Birmingham. Sitter in 105 portraits.
Memorandum from the Premier of Western Australia, in reference to the proposed transcontinental railway from Kalgoorlie to Port Augusta
Speech by the Right Honourable Sir John Forrest, on the federation of Australia Speech by the Right Honourable Sir John Forrest, on the federation of Australia, on the terms proposed in the Commonwealth Bill passed by the Federal Convention, 1898, at St. George's Hall, Perth, on Friday, 27th May, 1898
8th Battalion, Australian Commonwealth Horse, Boer War
Written on back of mount: Left to right: Back: Lethlean, Smallpage, Williams, Roberts, Edwards, Challenger; Centre: Finch, Birch, Farmen, Roberts, Mills, Johnson; Front: Grant, Webber, Robinson, Sayers. Cpl Williams was 1st man killed at Gallipoli.
Names identified from Boer War nominal roll: John Lethlean, Eugene Best Smalpage, Arthur Williams, Matthew Henry Roberts, Leonard Douglas Edwards, William Frederick Challinger, Kenneth John Stuart Finch, Walter Richard Birch, Herbert Farmer, Stephen Richard Harrick Roberts, William Checkley Mills, George Johnson, John Edward Grant, John Webber (Trumpeter), John Moore Robinson OR Charles Robinson, George Butters Sayer.
This image has erroneously identified as 11th Battalion AIF in the past.
Float HMS Commonwealth participating in a procession at Kalgoorlie Thomas Hair (left) with James Hair (right) on the parade float, HMS Commonwealth, 1901. The crew is mainly Japanese laundry workers using drink bottles as telescopes.
Manifesto of Eastern Goldfields Reform League of Western Australia : separation for federation
Crowd gathered on the Perth Esplanade to celebrate the Federation of Australia on Commonwealth Day Stereograph of the crowd gathered on the Perth Esplanade to celebrate the Federation of Australia on Commonwealth Day, 1 January 1901.
The Swan souvenir : a historical memento of the opening of the first parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia Cover title: Swan Souvenir of the Royal visit to Australia.
Subtitle: Highly-finished photos of Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York ; the first Governor-General, Earl of Hopetown ; the Countess of Hopetown ; Sir Arthur Lawley, State Governor of West Australia, and Lady Lawley ; First Federal Ministry ; views of the various Arches ; Processions and most interesting events.
First through train on the Trans Australian Railway
Petition to her Majesty the Queen
Proposed new state - boundaries from Petition to Her Majesty from persons residing in the town of Albany and the district near it Petition to Her Majesty the Queen from persons residing in the town of Albany and the district near it, together with a report on the statements made in the petition by the Right Honourable Sir John Forrest. Includes framed map of Western Australia (1900), showing the proposed area of secession. ACC 8275A.
National League of Western Australia : member's card issued to Miss C. Layman, Wonnerup: Federation on fair terms
Exit the Geebung party Cartoon from The Bulletin
Opening of Trans-Australian Railway, Western Australian celebrations, November 1917 : souvenir programme Includes programmes of 3 musical concerts and menu of refreshments in Parliament House.
Driving the last spike on the Trans-Australian Railway Line 1 photoprint : b&w.
Pneumonic influenza : monster demonstration Community reaction to the Spanish flu epidemic.
Members of the Naval & Military Club Presented to the Naval & Military Club by Lt. Gen. Sir J. Talbot-Hobbs (Sole Survivor) May 13, 1935. Photograph taken 1901. L. to R. (top) Lt. Col. McWilliams A.M.C., Capt. Kynden R.A.A., Capt. S.A. Darvall DAAc., Major J. Talbot-Hobbs (bottom) Bishop Riley Senior Chaplain CMF., Col. Richards and C.B. Commandant.
Four railway construction workers on the Trans-Australian Railway
Railway construction workers in the desert, 1911-13
Kalgoorlie Commonwealth Day Celebrating the creation of the Commonwealth of Australia. The float was constructed and manned by Japanese of the goldfields and represented a Japanese man-of-war (Ref: Kalgoorlie Miner). They were used again in the 1903 procession marking the opening of the Goldfields Water Supply.
Voters participating in the Referendum on the Commonwealth Bill for Federation congregate outside polling booth at Bunbury
Crowd in front of the "Kalgoorlie Miner" office waiting for election results
Sir John Forrest and military officer (unidentified) at a railway station on the inaugural journey of the Trans-Australian Railway
Executive Council, Goldfields Reform League, June 1900
Hon. George Leake, Attorney General, Sept.-Dec. 1886 & 1901-02 Head and shoulder portrait.
Separation for Federation petition Separation for Federation Petition sent to Queen Victoria. Men identified by John Kirwan: - Front row: H.M. Jackman, Dr Henry Ellis, J.W. Kirwan, John Reside and J.M. Fowler. - Back row: Clergyman (identified as Rev. A. Plane by Mollie Lukis), W.R. Burton, H. Gregory.
Sir John Forrest at Coolgardie 24/Jan/1903; "Turning on the Tap" Sir John Forrest opens Goldfields Water Supply Scheme, Coolgardie, 1903
Water pipe construction at Mt Charlotte, Kalgoorlie
Frederick Charles Burleigh Vosper, member for N.E. Coolgardie Head and shoulder portrait.
Vosper addressing miners The alluvialists were petitioning against the restrictions placed on them in working on mining leases ('the 10 foot rule') which, at a time when much of the alluvial gold had been worked in the Eastern Goldfields, had left many miners unemployed.
Luncheon underground at Kalgurli Gold Mine Lunch for dignitaries held at the 100 foot (approximately 30 metres) level of the Kalgurli Gold Mine, to celebrate the opening of the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme
Hon. Walter H. James, Western Australian Attorney General 1901-04 Head and shoulder portrait.
Baron John Forrest Head and shoulder portrait.
Metropolitan District Council, Australian Labor Party Note on back of photograph: Labor women first included. Group portrait.
Aboriginals participating in a performance to mark the opening of the Coolgardie Railway,
Three Aboriginal men, Joe, Pompey and Friday on flying survey on the Nullarbor for the Trans-Australian Railway https://encore.slwa.wa.gov.au/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1910856
To the Editor of the Adelaide Register Letter to the editor regarding t'othersiders
T'Othersiders Shop Hop Beer Bread Shop Thought to be in Broad Arrow. Camels sit on the ground in front of the bakery.
Chinese Dragon parade, part of street procession staged for the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York
Federal Convention at Adelaide, South Australia Group photograph of politicians gathered for Federal Convention. Western Australian delegates include Sir John Forrest, G. Leake, F.H. Piesse, J. Howard Taylor, A. Y. Hassell, W. James, J.G. Lee-Steere, W. T. Loton and R. F. Sholl.
Alluvial diggers' claim, Kanowna Prospectors panning for gold in pits they have dug and filled with water.
Celebrating Christmas at Kalgoorlie Celebrating Xmas. Some of the officers of the Wardens at their camp celebrating the day.
Vote yes for Federation
Federation Archway located on the Esplanade Perth Decorative archway constructed to celebrate Federation.
Grain being loaded onto sailing ships on the Long Jetty, Fremantle Bags of grain sit in railway wagons in front of sailing ships on the Long Jetty, Fremantle.