Big Bell Hotel
Wilgia Mia, Aboriginal red ochre mine, Weld Range, Murchison, Western Australia
Wilgia Mia, Aboriginal red ochre mine, Weld Range, Murchison, Western Australia
Wilgia Mia, Aboriginal red ochre mine, Weld Range, Murchison, Western Australia
Wilgia Mia, Aboriginal red ochre mine, Weld Range, Murchison, Western Australia
Interview with Clarence Charles (Tommy) Daw
During the W.A. goldrush in 1894, Tommy's parents sold up in South Australia and moved west to set up a business in Esperance, believing that it would be the port for the goldfields. The family business grew and prospered, with many shops established in the region. Tommy describes this period and talks about processing, packaging, and transporting goods; the roles of family members, his childhood and education, family relationships, the local community, the family's long standing interest in the mining industry, and contact with the colourful mining personality, Claude de Bernales.
Interview with Normana Leslie Her early life in Melbourne, life at Karratha Station 1934-1966 as the station owners wife.
Interview with Colin Turnbull
Born 1915 Mr Turnbull's father, George Turnbull was solutionist, electrician and later assayer and metallurgist on the Sons of Gwalia Gold Mine. Describes life on the mine, in the Block and in Gwalia, in particular detail from 1920 to 1930 peopling it again. The mine was his whole life. As a bank clerk he returned regularly for holidays and observes the changing scene almost year by year. He was instrumental in saving some of the papers from the abandoned mine offices which are now deposited in the library.
Aerial view of old Poseidon nickel mine near Laverton which closed in 1977 Flooded nickel mine near Laverton, which closed in 1977
E.P.T. employees excavating after blasting at Mt Tom Price, June 1965
Employees of construction engineers Electric Power Transmission Pty Ltd (E.P.T.) use ammonium nitrate to prepare for blasting on Mount Tom Price. E.P.T. were contracted to provide a large portion of the labour force to construct Tom Price mine.
Sir Charles with Sir Paul Hasluck and Prospector Stan Hilditch at Opening Day on Mt Whaleback -- 1969 A brief record reflecting Sir Charles' association with Mt. Newman Mining, January 1982
Views of the Great Boulder Mine, c 1920-30
Paddy Hannan
Working at King Bay, 1965
Concrete pour during construction of the primary crusher at the Mount Tom Price mine
Lang Hancock, Edgar Muceniekas and Dr M Muraoka at Hamersley Station Edgar Muceniekas was a geochemist working for Rio Tinto; Dr M. Muraoka was the Chief Geologist for Marubeni-Iida, a Japanese steel firm interested in Western Australian iron ore.
Lang Hancock and Rus Madigan in the Pilbara, May 1980 Lang Hancock and Rus Madigan in the Pilbara, May 1980
Map of Western Australia showing the distribution of useful minerals together with the Goldfields and other mining districts
Send off to Explorer and Surveyor A W Canning, 10th May 1906 Send off to Explorer and Surveyor A W Canning, 10th May 1906
A. Gibb Maitland and an unknown man
Aerial view of Mt Newman 1967 Aerial views of Mt Newman, Western Australia
Overton Lodge (Cottesloe Civic Centre) Spanish style mansion previously Overton Lodge, once owned and extensively renovated by Claude de Bernales. Photographs taken October 1950.
Car parked outside Great Boulder Mine
Gold Bonus Delegation. Canberra, 25th June 1930 shows an informal group of three men, Frank A Moss, S W Munsie and Claude de Bernales and was taken by Alex Collingridge.
Wiluna Gold Mines W. Australia November 1930
Morris Crawcour (driving) and Claude de Bernales (front passenger) in 1916 Sunbeam car
Portrait of Mr Claude de Bernales
Paddy Hannan and Dan Shea visiting Baldania Images of Aitcheson's Store and Dunn & Griffiths General Store. The stores are being run out of calico tents. Paddy Hannan and Dan Shea are visiting the Dunn & Griffiths General Store (visible to the left of the image.) (Information from donor who collected photographs on the Goldfields)
Rock drillers at 600 feet level in Sons of Gwalia Gold Mine
Herbert Hoover Portrait photograph of Herbert Hoover taken in Perth, Western Australia. Hoover as a young man
Dryblowing with dishes Gold prospector using panning dishes to blow dust from heavier material. A mining township is visible in background.
Argyle Diamond Mine
Argyle Diamond Mine
Explosion at Argyle Diamond Mine
Argyle Diamonds pink diamonds
Argyle Diamonds pink diamond
Argyle Diamond Mine processing plant
Argyle Diamond Mine processing plant under construction
Sections showing results of boring for copper and lead in the Northampton mining district Cross section of the Wheal Margaret Copper Mine, and cross section at bore site near Old Cow Rock Narra Tarra
Manganese Deposit Article from the Kalgoorlie Miner, Mon 13 December 1948, p. 1
Bell Bros Pty Ltd contractors trucking manganese ore to Port Hedland from 487 Mine The manganese ore was trucked to Port Hedland for export to Japan. Ian Phippard, Bell Brothers Port Hedland area manager is looking on in each photograph.
Manganese Mining, Pilbara
Geological map of the Kimberley District
Bauxite to Alumina
The Tom Price Story Film discussing the history and progress of mining in Mt Tom Price from initial iron ore findings through establishment of town. Majority of footage shows and explains processes of iron ore treatment
Extract from interview with Colin Francis Adams Descibing the Galena lead mine in Northampton
Teutonic Bore open cut Photographs of the copper/zinc/silver underground and open cut mine named Teutonic Bore about 56km north of Leonora, and parts of the townsite. The mine was operated by Seltrust Mining Corp, a part of Seltrust Holdings and Mount Isa Mines Limited
Teutonic Bore mine Teutonic Bore mine officially opened 20 June 1981 and closed in 1985. By 5-6 March 1986 machinery and equipment was being auctioned off
Ravensthorpe Coppermine From the Barbara Pickernell collection of photographs
Copper stacked at the Elverdton Mine, Ravensthorpe
Mining at Whim Creek
Whim Creek Copper Mine
Forrestania Nickel Project
Agnew Nickel Mine
Windarra Nickel Mine
Kalgoorlie Nickel Smelter
The work of the Kwinana Nickel Refinery Control Room of the Kwinana Nickel Refinery