Customs officers search luggage, May 1953 Customs officer searching migrant's luggage.
An immigrant family with luggage disembark, May 1953 A migrant family walk down the gangway with their luggage.
Johanna, Wietze (Jnr), Gerda, Helene and Wietze de Boer at Graylands Migrant Hostel, Christmas 1953
John, Matthew, Elizabeth and Hendrick van Welie, from the Netherlands, outside the Holden Immigration Accommodation Centre
Jadwiga Ziembinski with her twins Zdislaw and Barbara on board the Skaugum coming to Australia
Adult English class, 1950 Northam Immigration Camp adult class learning English
People at Northam migrant camp with women dressed in national costume Mr R Shilkin in Northam with Biruta Zelkins, Katherine Juszczuk, Maiga Zilite discussing the National Savings Scheme.
Teacher and class, 1950 Female teacher at the front of class. Students all seated with both arms raised, at Holden (Northam) camp.
New Australians start a new industry A newspaper article detailing the setup of a crystal working and glass cutting factory established by migrants to Australia.