Implementing the Secession Act
Implementing the Secession Act
A proclamation from the Premier Philip Collier setting out the delegation to present the Secession application to the British government.
Implementing the Secession Act
A Special Issue of "The Government
Gazette" was issued on Thursday last,
containing the following proclamation:
ACT 1934.
Premier's Department,
Perth, September 20, 1934.
NOTICE is hereby given that I, the
undersigned. Philip Collier, Treasurer
and Premier in the Government of
Western Australia, in the exercise of
the power conferred upon me by Sec-
tion 6 of "The Secession Act, 1934."
have appointed under and for the pur-
poses of the said Act the following per-
sons, that is to stay:-The Honorable
Sir Hal Pateshall Colebatch. C.M.G.,
Agent-General for Western Australia,
of London, England; the Honorable
Matthew Lewis Moss. K.C., of London,
England; Mr. James MacCallum
Smith, M.L.A., of Perth, Western Aus-
tralia, Newspaper Proprietor; and Mr.
Henry Keith Watson, of Perth, Wes-
tern Australia, Accountant, as the dele-
gation of four persons authorised by
Section 6 of "The Secession Act, 1934,"
to be appointed by me as Treasurer
aforesaid on behalf of the people of
Western Australia to present or cause
to be presented the humble application
by the people of Western Australia to
the Right Honorable the Lords
Spiritual and Temporal in the Parlia-
ment of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland assem-
bled, and also of the humble applica-
tion by the people of Western Austra-
lia to the Honorable the Commons of
the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland in Parliament
assembled, as mentioned and provided
for in Section 3 of and Section 6 of
the said Act: and that the said four
persons appointed by me as the dele-
gation aforesaid have and may exer-
cise, subject to the said Act, by virtue
of the said appointment, all the rights,
powers, and authorities prescribed and
conferred upon them by Section 7 of
the said Act: and notice is also hereby
given that I, the said Philip Collier,
have also authorised the said four
persons appointed by me as aforesaid,
and each and every one of them for
me and on my behalf, to publish and
distribute in the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland
and elsewhere as to them may seem
meet "The Case of the People of Wes-
tern Australia in support of their de-
sire to withdraw from the Common-
wealth of Australia Constitution Act
(Imperial), and that Western Austra-
lia be restored to its former status as
a separate self-governing colony in
the British Empire," as author-
ised by Section 2 of "The Seces-
sion Act, 1934," for submission to His
Majesty the King and to both Houses
of the Imperial Parliament, and as
printed by or with the authority of the
Government Printer of Western Aus-
tralia, under the supervision of the
Clerk of the Parliament of Western
Australia, as authorised and provided
for in Section 2 of the said Act.
(Sgd.) P. COLLIER,
Treasurer and Premier
in the Government of Western
Newspaper article