Year 5 Lesson Plan

This lesson plan for teachers provides suggestions of classroom activities that link with the year 5 Humanities and Social Sciences syllabus in the Western Australian curriculum.

Knowledge and Understanding

The patterns of colonial development and settlement (e.g. geographical features, climate, water resources, transport, discovery of gold) and how this impacted upon the environment. (e.g. introduced species) and the daily lives of the inhabitants (e.g. Noongar people, convicts, and the free settlers). (ACHHK094)

The way people alter the environmental characteristics of Australian places (e.g. vegetation clearance, fencing, urban development, drainage, irrigation, farming, forest plantations and mining). (ACHGK027)

OldPerth Year 5 lesson plan

OldPerth Year 5 Worksheet

Related Links


State Library of WA - Wadjuk City

State Library of WA - Swan River Stories


The following is a list of texts that explore the topic of Western Australian colonial life

  • Greenwood, M. (2013). Jandamarra. Australia: Allen & Unwin.
  • Greenwood, M. (2010). Ned Kelly and the Green Sash. Australia: Walker Books.
  • Greenwood, M. & Lessac, F. (2011). The Legend of Moondyne Joe. Australia: Walker Books. 
  • Marsden, J. & Tan, S. (2010). The Rabbits. Australia: Hachette Australia.
  • Ormerod, J. (2013). Lizzie Nonsense. Australia: Little Hare
  • Owen Reeder, S. (2011). Amazing Grace: An Adventure at Sea. Australia: National Library of Australia.
  • Saffioti, T. (2012). Stolen Girl. Australia: Magabala Books.
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