Grace Bussell

Grace Bussell as depicted in Sam, Grace, and the Shipwreck (Fremantle Press, 2011)


Grace Bussell was 16 years old at the time of the sinking of the Georgette.  Her role in the rescue of 50 passengers has become a part of Western Australian folklore. 

According to reports at the time, when Sam Isaacs alerted the Bussell family of the ailing ship off the coastline, Grace jumped at the opportunity to assist. She rode into the surf to aide passengers in getting to shore and rode back to Wallcliffe for supplies to help the stranded passengers. 

Although the extent of Grace’s part in rescue varies from differing eyewitness accounts, there is no denying her willingness to help in the rescue of passengers from the Georgette that night. 


Focus questions:

  • Grace Bussell was 16 years old when she assisted in the rescue of passengers from the Georgette. How do you think Grace felt at the time of the rescue? Excited? Scared? How would you feel? 
  • Compare the illustration of Grace Bussell, featured on this page, to the photograph of Grace, aged 16, from the State Library collection. How important is reasearch when creating an historical narrative?
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