The rescue

Sam "Yebble" Isaacs and Grace Bussell as depicted in Sam, Grace, and the Shipwreck (Fremantle Press, 2011)


The illustrations from Michelle Gillespie’s picture book, Sam, Grace and the Shipwreck (Fremantle Press, 2011), depict Sam Isaacs and Grace Bussell rescuing passengers in the surf of Calgardup Bay. 

Sam, Grace and the Shipwreck was the winner of the 2011 Western Australian Premier’s Book Award for Children’s Literature. Sonia Martinez’s artwork and draft materials from this award-winning picture book are part of the State Library’s collection of exemplary picture book art, The Peter Williams Collection. 

There were differing reports of the rescue in the media. Many newspaper accounts of the loss of the Georgette hailed Grace Bussell a heroine, with little to no recognition given to others involved in the daring rescue that occurred.  

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