Mackay family's south-west car journey: Refreshment stop. The Mackay family left Scotland and arrived in Western Australia in 1916. The family first settled in Crawley, and Mackay worked for a photographer in Hay Street, West Perth. In 1917, T.F. Mackay purchased the photographic studio of J.J. Dwyer in Kalgoorlie which he operated until 1945.
Having tea next to their car using stacked suitcases for a table. Note the Mackay clan crest on the door of their vehicle.
Staff room, Library and Information Service of Western Australia Staffroom, Library and Information Service of Western Australia
Children having a tea party Children in a garden having a tea party, Rosemary and Gabrielle.
Picnic at Tambellup
Children's tea party in the backyard
Children having a tea party Children in a garden having a tea party, Rosemary and Gabrielle. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1642/13
Group having tea outside Kanowna Hospital Group, from left: Dr J. J. Holland and baby son (Billy Holland), Nurse Austin, Matron May Griggs (later Lang), Nurse Prothero and Mrs Holland (Marjorie?)
Preschool children having a tea party outside
Four children having a tea party Children unidentified.
Women having an afternoon tea party in Fremantle
Preschool children having a tea party outside
The tea party in the garden
Lang children having a tea party Lang children and guests having a tea party on the verandah, from left: unidentified girl, May in wicker pram, Rawson, unidentified girl, Jean in wicker chair.
Girls having tea party on verandah with teacher Children and adult unidentified
Little girls' tea party Helen Mackay (known as Ella), centre, and two other girls having a tea party in the garden, possibly at the Mackay home in Scotland.