
History, Home, Family, Love, Identity... and why we collect it

Exhibition runs Monday 3rd April to Friday 23 June 2023 at the State Library of Western Australia

Behind every collection or pile of Stuff! is a collector moved by the secrets or human stories which accompany each object. In Stuff! we asked State Library staff - librarians, behind the scenes administrators or seasoned historians - to select items from our collection which resonated strongly with them. The result is a deeply personal and surprising scrapbook of WA history.

Cultural Sensitivity Warning

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website may contain certain images, voices and videos of deceased persons, including elders. Visitors are warned that there may be words and descriptions that may be culturally sensitive and which might not normally be used in certain public or community contexts. Terms and annotations that reflect the attitude of the author or the period in which the item was written, may be considered inappropriate today.

When Dust Speaks

The Western Australian landscape is an ever-present throughline in the Library's collections. Countless authors, artists, photographers or film-makers have been inspired by our vast and dry expanses, our rugged coastline and beguiling critters. As our landscape and ecology changes, it is more important than ever that we collect items which record and make meaning of the changing land we live on.

This is one of my favourite things in the State Library collection because this place, the Derbarl Yerrigan, Swan River, is a place that I have been drawn to throughout my life. I have so many emotions and memories connected to the river. It is a special and wild place. I love this hand-drawn chart of the river. It was made in 1801, before colonisation, by French maritime explorers. It has depth measurements along the meandering course of the river and provides a record of their pursuit of knowledge. The Derbarl Yerrigan has continuing significance for Aboriginal people and this chart reminds us that European knowledge of this place is relatively new..

Dr Kate Gregory Dr Kate Gregory Battye Historian
Chart of the Swan River 1801
Chart of the Swan River 1801 Digital print from original. Francois-Antoine Boniface Heirisson ACC 5907A/1iZYZYi

Betty Foster would have been the envy of many young women in the early 1960s. Not only was she an air hostess at MacRobertson Miller Airlines, but she was a talented photographer. Betty's sense of self and adventure just ahead of the second feminist wave is what resonates with me in these images.

Elizabeth Holmsen Libby Holmsen Community Awareness Coordinator
Betty Foster shooting on the tidal flat at Derby.
Betty Foster shooting on the tidal flat at Derby. 1962 Betty Foster. Photographic print from original slide 146120PD
Windsock and MMA DC3 VH-MMM 'RMA Murchison' on the airstrip at Roy Hill Station.
Windsock and MMA DC3 VH-MMM 'RMA Murchison' on the airstrip at Roy Hill Station. 1962 Betty Foster. Photographic print from original slide 146176PD
Aerial photograph of patterns on the earth in Northwestern Australia.
Aerial photograph of patterns on the earth in Northwestern Australia. 1961 Betty Foster. Photographic print from original slide BA2521

Fred Flood, a Londoner who migrated to Australia in 1912 under the assisted passage scheme, was an early cataloguer of Western Australia through the eyes of a photographer and artist. These scenes of rural country life still speak to modern audiences today. Perhaps it is because I am a Londoner too, inadvertently my eye was drawn to the soft pastel colours in the watercolours which belie the harsh conditions which many settler communities were faced with in the early parts of the last century.

Rita Alfred-Saggar Rita Alfred-Saggar Creative Programs Coordinator
Northam's first jail.
Northam's first jail. 1932 Print from original watercolour. Fred Flood BA2186/156-175
Trees 1932 Print from original watercolour. Fred Flood BA2186/156-175
Warburton Bridgetown (cows in a paddock).
Warburton Bridgetown (cows in a paddock). Oct 1935 Photographic reprint. Fred Flood BA2186/156-175

Chapter & Verse: Our Musical History

Alongside 70,000 scores and pieces of sheet music, the State Library maintains an ever-shuffling jukebox of recordings, photography, ephemera and oral histories charting Western Australia's shared musical history. These diverse items are just a prelude to the musical treasures which resonate with our staff.

I loved going to see Perth bands in the 1980s in all the great venues that were around at that time. The local music industry was really thriving and I love a guitar melody so it was a lovely time of my life. The Stems promoted themselves using quite psychedelic graphics and I was reminded of this when I saw the posters. I also loved seeing the list of venues - The Shenton Park Hotel and the Red Parrot nightclub were regular haunts for me and many of my friends so I'm pleased that this era of WA history is being rememberedand preserved.

Catherine Clark Catherine Clark Chief Executive Office and State Librarian
The Stems poster for Botanical TV Tour 1986
The Stems poster for Botanical TV Tour 1986 Reproduction from original poster. Designer Alex Clark. From the James Anfuso collection of rock posters and promotional materials PS02891

I was into some of the bands Robert covered and I can actually see friends in some of the images. They remind me of my Uni days...

Charles Hayne Charles Hayne Communications and Marketing Manager
The Scientists performing at the Governor Broome Hotel, Perth 1978
The Scientists performing at the Governor Broome Hotel, Perth 1978 Photo reproduction from original negative Robert Baxter BA3226/3902
Dave Faulkner playing with The Victims at their final show, Hernando's Hideaway 1978
Dave Faulkner playing with The Victims at their final show, Hernando's Hideaway 1978 Photo reproduction from original negative Robert Baxter BA3226/3902

Music is an area of creative pursuit that many follow for very personal reasons and I think this image encapsulates much of that. So often making music is about friendship, ingenuity, improvisation and determination - all of which are on display here.

Dr Adam Trainer Dr Adam Trainer Community Engagement Officer Arts & Culture
Les Bailey on piano with Alf Pook on percussion in the Marble Bar Hall July 1940
Les Bailey on piano with Alf Pook on percussion in the Marble Bar Hall July 1940 Reproduction from original glass negative. Walter Phillips collection of negatives relating to Marble Bar BA2588/66

My Mum created this scrapbook from 1967-70. Dad played in The Ravens in the wheatbelt region, in and around Pingelly. I was going through the scrapbook with Mum and listening to her reminisce, and I suggested she donate it to the State Library. It's a small slice of history about the social events that were held in the area at the time. It has a list of songs played at each gig and the dances associated with each song. There are some fantastic posters for the gigs too. In the scrapbook, Mum gives little comments about how each gig went. It's very much a snapshot in time in that it depicts some racial tension, the fashion of the time and the stark economic reality of being a musician in the '60s.

Shannon Leahy Shannon LeahyLibrary Officer
'The Ravens' dance band performing in the Wheatbelt, 1967-1970. Delys Leahy scrapbook on 'The Ravens' dance band. ACC 10333A

Little People.
Big Ideas.

May Gibbs is largely known as a children's book illustrator, I love her work and I was intrigued that she had additional layers of complexity as a person, including political commentating as indicated with her political illustrations featured in the Social Kodak under her pseudonym 'Blob'.

Kate Akerman Kate Akerman Education Officer
Political cartoon. Published in The Social Kodak Vol 1 No 13 August 28 1902
Political cartoon. Published in The Social Kodak Vol 1 No 13 August 28 1902 1902 May Gibbs (under the pseudonym Blob) 052.941 SOC
Political cartoon. Published in The Social Kodak Vol 1 No 17 September 25 1902
Political cartoon. Published in The Social Kodak Vol 1 No 17 September 25 1902 1902 May Gibbs (under the pseudonym Blob) 052.941 SOC
Gumnut Babies postcards. Published 1915-1920 Gumnut Babies postcards. Published 1915-1920
Gumnut Babies postcards. Published 1915-1920 Facsimiles from original postcards. May Gibbs 5282B

This beautiful image speaks to the creative and literary sides of what the Library fosters. We often see it as a source of research and history but it's more than that. It helps foster imagination, creativity and the power of literacy. We are a library for all ages and there is so much beauty to be found within. The Peter Williams Collection of picture book art speaks to this talent and the power of imagination.

Tricia McKenzie Tricia McKenzie Education Officer
The Reader
The Reader 2016 Shaun Tan Print from original oil painting PWC/266

This collection of traditional and contemporary Indigenous stories was donated by the Kadjina Aboriginal Community and was written and illustrated by children, teenagers and adults. The books have been written in English, Kriol and Walmajarri. Other than acting as a way to incorporate Indigenous stories and knowledge they also act as a form of language preservation.

Denien Toomath Denien Toomath Indigenous Community Liaison Officer
Makurra Mangarriwarnti (Winter Bush Tucker) 2002 Part of the Walmajarri Language Stories Collection Makurra Mangarriwarnti (Winter Bush Tucker) 2002 Part of the Walmajarri Language Stories Collection
Makurra Mangarriwarnti (Winter Bush Tucker) 2002 Part of the Walmajarri Language Stories Collection Enlargement of original illustration. Drawings by Yangkana Laurel and Papayi Laurel, Wulungarra Community School Literacy Production
Makurra Kuyuwarnti (Winter Meats) 2002 Part of the Walmajarri Language Stories Collection Makurra Kuyuwarnti (Winter Meats) 2002 Part of the Walmajarri Language Stories Collection
Makurra Kuyuwarnti (Winter Meats) 2002 Part of the Walmajarri Language Stories Collection Enlargement of original illustration Drawings by Yangkana Laurel, Papayi Laurel and Jayirtna Laurel, Wulungarra Community School Literacy Production
Cover photo portraits from the book Ngaluk Waangkiny: Us Talking | Stories of Resilience 2022.
Cover photo portraits from the book Ngaluk Waangkiny: Us Talking | Stories of Resilience 2022. Left to right: Aunty Muriel Bowie, Aunty Margaret Culbong, Aunty Doolann Leisha Eatts, Uncle Albert McNamara, Uncle Noel Nannup, Uncle Ben Taylor, Aunty Irene McNamara, Aunty Theresa Walley, Uncle Farley Garlett, Uncle Walter Eatts Created using stills taken by Hugh Sando (ABC Perth) Published by Community Arts Network Listen to the Podcasts

These ten beautiful Aboriginal elders (three have since passed away) have spent their whole lives fighting for change for their people, some have died fighting. Let's take the burden off them and be the change they have always wanted to see. Their resilience and strength have inspired me to keep going against all odds and keep on fighting for them!... At one point in their lives these elders were not allowed to enter the City of Perth zone. It was called the Prohibition Zone, they needed a 'Native Pass', which renounced their Aboriginality to be able to enter the city.

Shahna Rind Shahna Rind Manager Aboriginal Engagement

Home, Heart and the Family Scrapbook

Behind every shipping record, newspaper death notice or archival box is a human story, full of emotional complexity and memory. Family history research remains a popular way Western Australians engage with the Library, however, our collection is full of unexpected objects which also chart the Western Australian experience and our lives at home. This chaotic scrapbook of items offers an insight into how different objects have unlocked specific emotions or stories for our staff.

These images capture the heart of the Australian story for me. They speak to the strength of character of generations of migrant communities who continue to make WA their home. I was touched by the need to recreate the elements that most contribute to a feeling of home and belonging... As the child of first generation migrants myself, this element of forging an identity tied to a particular community and practice is hugely powerful.

Rita Alfred-Saggar Rita Alfred-Saggar Creative Programs Coordinator
Dondon Malith attends a Sudanese Dinka church service St Anselm of Cantebury Anglican Church, Kingsley 30 September 2012
Dondon Malith attends a Sudanese Dinka church service St Anselm of Cantebury Anglican Church, Kingsley 30 September 2012 Photographic print from digital original. Louise Whelan MG1657
The Gurdwara Sahib of Western Australia, Canning Vale, 23 September 2012
The Gurdwara Sahib of Western Australia, Canning Vale, 23 September 2012 Photographic print from digital original Louise Whelan MG1534

There is so much history packed into this one simple photo! It was taken in 1907, metres from where you are standing right now. Some of the lads in the photo are maybe eight to ten years old. Add ten years to 1907 and think where they may have ended up... It shows the museum (part of which house the 'old' library) and the 'new' library building built in 1904.The lads are playing on the grassed space upon which Hackett Hall was built (1911-1913) to house.... the Library. The old Gaol is in the background, from which we believe the bell was taken. This bell was sounded to close the Library for some years.

Peter Edwards Peter Edwards Librarian
A youthful pastime, cock-fighting 26 October 1907
A youthful pastime, cock-fighting 26 October 1907 Photographic print from original Charles Walker collection of photographs. Published in the Western Mail BA1200/5

Noel Bell was better known to me as 'Grandad' and to others as 'Barney'. This letter was found amongst my Nana's papers when she moved into care and my father has taken care of it since then. Dad is not entirely sure how his family knew John Curtin, but he thinks they were neighbours, and he's pretty sure this letter of reference helped Grandad land his first job.

Rebecca Bell Rebecca Bell Manager Heritage and Engagement
Noel Douglas Bell papers 1934
Noel Douglas Bell papers 1934 Letter of reference for Noel Bell written by John Curtin ACC PA29/7/1
John Curtin Ca. 1935
John Curtin (14th prime minister of Australia, from 1941 to 1945) ca. 1935 Photograph BA499/55G

The Letters of Junius has a secret fore edge painting that can only be seen when the side of the book is facing you and the pages are fanned out. When the book is closed the pages just look gilt tipped. I thought this was the most magical thing the first time I saw the beautiful detailed view of Fleet Street appear.

Laurie Allen Laurie Allen Collection Liaison Collection Services
The Letters of Junius, complete in one volume 1820
The Letters of Junius, complete in one volume 1820 Photograph of fore edge painting O01636

I have always loved how this sculpture is such a complimentary part of the surrounding environment, inviting people to interact and connect with it. Before working at the Library, I would never have thought it was part of the Library collection, let alone the most valuable item!

Andrew Meredith Andrew Meredith Creative Programs Officer
Gate 2: Coalesce. A sculpture by Akio Makigawa in front of the State Library of WA 1992
Gate 2: Coalesce. A sculpture by Akio Makigawa in front of the State Library of WA 1992 Photograph Jim McGeough 136797PD

Not all of the items in the collection are glamorous or immediately obvious in their heritage value. Some of the objects spotlight really humble pursuits like amateur footy on a Sunday. I love how these scorecards are cared for in the exact same way as our most precious gems.

David Craddock David Craddock Manager Heritage and Engagement
Sunday Football League and related competitions records 1959-2010 Sunday Football League and related competitions records 1959-2010 Sunday Football League and related competitions records 1959-2010
Sunday Football League and related competitions records 1959-2010 Sunday Football League (W.A.), Archival ACC 9560A D7
Bayswater Amateur Football Club team photograph 19 September 1977
Bayswater Amateur Football Club team photograph 19 September 1977 Stevenson, Kinder & Scott photograph collection BA1119/P6287-1A

It was such an iconic moment for myself and friends when this bar opened in roughly around 2007... So much time and effort was spent on 1960s tiki decorations covering the place absolutely everywhere.

Roxanne Loveland Roxana Loveland Senior Project Coordinator
The Hula Bula Tiki Bar, Perth 15 March 2012
The Hula Bula Tiki Bar, Perth 15 March 2012 Photograph from digital original Louise Whelan BA2466/MG581F

I guess it's kind of shallow, but I just enjoy the fact that we have a sword! It really opened my eyes to the kinds of history we collate.

Wayne Eades Wayne Eades Library Officer
Ceremonial Sword 1876-1954
Ceremonial Sword 1876-1954 Fairbairn family papers Archival 9438A/15 - Lot 3, no.9 1

This memoir and portrait of Dr Francis Aubie "Ali" Sharr, OBE, State Librarian of Western Australia (1956-76), has special significance to me. In 1965 Ali offered my mother Pamela a temporary job as a librarian. Here she met my late father Kurt Sotzik, while helping him with his chemical abstract enquiry for synthetic glue! Kurt was a Holocaust survivor who emigrated to Perth from Germany in 1951. The happiness of meeting my mother at the Library was never far from any conversation. The Library represented the rebuilding of his life, literally and symbolically.

Anne Sotzik Anne Sotzik Library Officer
Wedding photo, Kurt and Pamela Sotzik 6 August 1966
Wedding photo, Kurt and Pamela Sotzik 6 August 1966 Photo Courtesy Anne Sotzik Private collection
F. A. Sharr
F. A. Sharr Photographic portrait State Library of Western Australia ART0215

I stumbled across press photos of a motorcycle race in Bunbury which link four generations of my family. They were taken four days before my dad was born. My grandmother's house is on the left, the house I'd grow up in 50 years later is in the top right. One click later and I spot a man who looks suspiciously like my dad putting a laurel around the winner's neck. He confirmed the man was my great grandfather. If only family history research was always this easy!

David Craddock David Craddock Manager Heritage and Engagement
The 1950 Australian T.T. motorcycle racing on the streets of Bunbury 11 April 1950
The 1950 Australian T.T. motorcycle racing on the streets of Bunbury 11 April 1950 Photographic print from original negative Published in the West Australian 224494PD
Congratulating winners. 8 April 1950
Congratulating winners. 8 April 1950 Photographic print from original negative Published in the West Australian 221223PD

Your Stories. Our People.

Over 134 years, an army of staff have handled, catalogued, purchased and carefully conserved each of the items in the State Library collection. This work is often faceless, perhaps even mysterious, but behind each item is a passion for collecting and reflecting Western Australian stories. We invite you sit down and meet the people behind the shelves.

Too much Stuff! for one website

The State Library of Western Australia has been collecting West Australian stories for over 130 years. From the sublime to the ridiculous, our collections of stories, treasures, hidden histories, and the downright mundane make a fascinating collection.

Plan your visit to the State Library!