
Sam "Yebble" Isaacs and Grace Bussell as depicted in Sam, Grace, and the Shipwreck (Fremantle Press, 2011)


There were many people who risked their lives to save others from the sinking Georgette. The following were recognised for their bravery: 

Samuel “Yebble” Isaacs: Despite being mostly overlooked in the media coverage surrounding the event, Sam Isaacs was awarded a bronze medal by the Royal Humane Society. 

Grace Bussell: Press coverage of the rescue resulted in Grace Bussell receiving international acclaim. She had letters of congratulations from around the world, and even received marriage proposals. The Royale Humane Society awarded Grace with a silver medal for bravery and the British Government’s Board of Trade presented her with a gold watch. 

John Dewar and James Noonan (Nunan): Three years after the sinking of the Georgette, Dewar and Noonan were recognised for their bravery in saving passengers from an overturned lifeboat and steering others to safety. Both were awarded a certificate of merit from the Royal Humane Society. 

William and James Dempster: Although both brothers helped row passengers to safety aboard a lifeboat, it was only James Dempster who was acknowledged for this act.  He received a bravery certificate from the Royal Humane Society. 

Focus questions:

  • Over time, the role others played in the rescue of passengers from the sinking Georgette were given more recognition. Do you think it important to correct history when new information comes to light? What are your reasons for or against this? 
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